LPG Leakage Alarm
This project will detect LPG leakage and will turn on the Alarm. Here instead of Buzzer, we can also replace it with a water pump by introducing a delay of 10s thus if no action is taken even after 10s the water pump will start. Also, find the attached Arduino program.
Hardware Used
- Arduino Nano
- USB Cable Type C
- Gas Sensor MQ-2
- Buzzer
- Jumper Wires
- Glue Gun
- Thermocol
- Gas Sensor MQ-2 with Arduino
- AO of Gas Sensor with Arduino Nano Pin A5
- VCC of Gas Sensor with Arduino Nano 5v
- GND of Gas Sensor with Arduino Nano GND
- Buzzer with Arduino
- Buzzer positive terminal with Arduino Nano Pin 10
- Buzzer negative terminal with Arduino Nano GND
Note:- You can adjust the sensitivity of Gas Sensor by turning the potentiometer with a screwdriver on Gas Sensor.